July 15, 2022
SCFCan selected as a cleantech startup finalist in NGIF’s Innovation Challenge

NGIF’s round 7 Innovation Challenge was launched in 2021 for cleantech startups with solutions that can create value and mitigate environmental impacts specifically in the natural gas industry.  Ten projects have been selected as finalists to advance technology innovations in the natural gas production, midstream, and distribution sectors.

June 26, 2022
SCFCan listed on CRIN's Innovation Central page

CRIN (Clean Resource Innovation Network) has launched the Innovation Central page which provides a platform for innovators and startup companies to showcase their emerging technologies.  Check out SCFCan’s profile!

May 26, 2022
SCFCan presented at ISSF 2022

SCFCan attended and delivered a presentation at the 13th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids in Montreal, Canada. The topic of SCFCan’s presentation was “A Real Time Simulator of a Supercritical Fluid Extraction System”, presented by Maedeh Roodpeyma.

February 12, 2021
SCFCan attended the 2021 Energy Venture Investment Summit

SCFCan attended and presented at the Energy Venture Investment Summit by ENERCOM and Colorado School of Mines, February 10-11, 2021. 

Watch SCFCan’s presentation at the Energy Venture Investment Summit, presented by Christianne Street. 

Watch this exclusive 360 Energy Expert Network video interview with SCFCan’s new president Christianne Street. 

January 6, 2021
SCFCan selected for Foresight's Launch & Deliver cleantech accelerator program

SCFCan has been accepted for the cleantech accelerator program by Foresight. The “Launch” program helps early-stage cleantech companies learn to compete in emerging markets.  The “Deliver” program provides critical business training to help fast track the technology development. 

August 31, 2020
SCFCan's new president
SCFCan’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Christianne Street as our new President, effective September 1st, 2020.  Christianne is a founding member of SCFCan and has served as Vice President following SCFCan’s founding.  Her promotion follows Christianne’s successful defence of her doctorate this summer.  A doctorate in which she was a driving force in the design, build, commissioning and successful proving of a pilot-scale, fully continuous supercritical process to recover oil from drilling waste.  Christianne is ideally suited to leading SCFCan forward.
Christianne’s appointment is part of SCFCan’s long term plan.  Warren Stiver, our founding president, will continue to happily serve Christianne and SCFCan as a Vice President.
August 21, 2020
SCFCan attended the 2020 Oil & Gas Conference

SCFCan attended and presented at EnerCom’s virtual Oil & Gas Conference August 17-19, 2020. Watch SCFCan’s virtual presentation, by Christianne Street and Russ Stiver.

Watch this exclusive 360 Energy Expert Network video interview by Enercom with SCFCan’s president Warren Stiver at the 2020 virtual Oil & Gas Conference.